If you’re focused on your fertility journey you may be feeling a lot of stress. Unfortunately, stress can make infertility worse. Reducing and managing stress is important to give yourself the best chance of conception. Here are a few tips to handle stress more easily.
Make Sure You Get Some Exercise
While you don’t want to exercise heavily if you’re going through fertility treatments, there’s no reason you can’t keep moving. Walking, light weights or bodyweight exercises, and gentle yoga are all options that work for most people. Working with your healthcare providers can help you tailor an exercise program to your goals that’s safe and effective.
Spend Time Writing in a Journal
Getting your feelings down on paper, or keeping a digital journal on your computer, can help you feel calmer during your fertility journey. Whether you’re writing about your worries and fears, or expressing your joy for the good things in life, journaling often helps. You don’t have to hold back when you have a private journal to record your feelings.
Consider Acupuncture for Relaxation
For most people, acupuncture is a safe and effective way to reduce stress and improve relaxation. If you’re stressed about your infertility concerns, this could be a great way for you to feel calm and rejuvenated again. Several sessions may be needed, depending on your stress levels and other factors.
Stay off of Google for Advice and Research
The internet provides a lot of great information, but make sure you’re going to quality websites from professionals you can trust. If you’re randomly Googling infertility and looking for statistics and other data, you might actually be contributing to your stress levels. Your journey is unique, and what you learn about others isn’t necessarily accurate for your situation.
Talking to your fertility doctor can help you work through the stress you’re feeling, and give you additional options for stress-reduction techniques. By using acupuncture, journaling, getting some safe exercise, and avoiding “Dr. Google,” you can lower the stress you feel during your infertility journey. This can help increase your chances of conceiving.
Dr. Hosseinzadeh is a firm believer that total wellness is an essential component to maximize your success rates. Our approach is one of integrative fertility care for the mind, body and soul combining the best of Eastern Medicine and Western Medicine. Schedule your complimentary consultation today!